
MasterCook 24 Updates

MasterCook 24 was initially released on May 3, 2024. Version is the latest release of MasterCook 24 and was released on 1/7/2025. See details below.

To check which version number you are using, go to the Help menu in MasterCook on the computer. Select About MasterCook. The complete version number is listed there.

If you are a registered MasterCook 24 user and you have proof of purchase for MasterCook 24 for Windows, you are eligible for free updates to the MasterCook 24 Windows product.

If you purchased MasterCook 24 at and if you have a current subscription to, you have a download link to the latest version of MasterCook 24 in your Downloadable Products page in your online account. Scroll down to find when you previously purchased MasterCook 24. Use its Download link in the right column. It will update MasterCook 24 on your computer. Each time a new update is released for MasterCook 24, your download link is updated. It always downloads the latest version.

If you don't have a current subscription to and you purchased MasterCook 24 without a subscription at, an email will be sent to you with further instructions. Contact MasterCook Support if you don't receive that email.

WHEN A NEW UPDATE IS AVAILABLE, we automatically send an email to you with instructions on getting the new update, if you have purchased the MasterCook 24 Windows product at If you didn't receive that email, please contact us. We can confirm when the email was sent to you and if it was delivered. We can send you a new one if necessary. The most common cause of not getting that email, is your email provider thought we were sending you spam, so they blocked you from receiving that email.


Download Issues? If you are blocked from downloading the file, see this article.



REQUIRED: It is always important to backup your files on the computer before you make changes to any program. This includes MasterCook. Before you install the update for MasterCook 24, you must backup your files. Please follow these instructions. If you need help or have questions, contact MasterCook Support.


This installation file is designed to update an existing installation of MasterCook 24 as well as a stand-alone new installation. Therefore, you can delete the previous download installation file and keep the new one going forward.

  • UPDATING CURRENT MASTERCOOK 24 INSTALLATION: If it detects a current installation of MasterCook 24 on the computer, it will update the program files only and not touch the user files (preference settings, My Cookbook, etc.) Please do NOT change the path during the installation. The installer knows where the program is currently installed and will update there. (If you change the path, it will create new user folders & files at the new location and will no longer use the old location.)
  • NEW MASTERCOOK 24 INSTALLATION: If MasterCook 24 is not currently installed on the computer, it will fully install the program onto the computer.


  1. Make sure you have current backup copies of your MasterCook files on the computer before you install.
  2. Download the installation file first and do not open it yet. Allow it to fully download to your computer and save a copy of that file to a location where you keep all important files that you backup regularly. This will prevent you from having to pay for a replacement in the future.
  3. Restart the computer so nothing is running and can interfere and corrupt the installation and proceed with installing.
  4. If your antivirus uses community feedback to determine if files are safe to install, the MasterCook update will be too new for others to know and report the MasterCook installation file as being legitimate. Therefore, your antivirus may block you from downloading or installing the file. Review the documentation that comes with your antivirus for instructions with the error message it is reporting.

MasterCook Release Notes (6/13/2024)

Issues Addressed:

  • The installation will no longer fail if the sync manager of a previous version of MasterCook is left running in the background on the computer.
  • A sync issue was fixed where the timestamp of a recipe was incorrect and prevented some recipes from syncing properly and in some cases caused a recipe to be deleted unexpectedly.

New feature:

  • Adjustable font size in the MasterList. See the new View menu in the MasterList window to change the font size.

MasterCook Release Notes (1/7/2025)

Issues Addressed:

  • Fixed an issue where Windows Registry keys were not created correctly when installed on a network drive which prevented the program from launching. Although the program successfully installed, it would not launch.
  • Fixed an issue with the image being truncated in the Home screen.

New feature:

  • Changed the logic used for syncing with a account to improve syncing response time and address other syncing problems.


Download File Won't Save


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