
MasterCook 22 Installation Adds Your Content from a Previous Version

On the last screen of the MasterCook 22 installation, it will ask if you wish to add your content from a previous version of MasterCook that is installed on your computer.

If you have multiple versions installed, it will copy the files from the most recent version.

Depending on the number of files and their sizes from the previous version, it can take several minutes for it to completely copy all of your data into MasterCook 22. Please be patient. It is also important that you look for the confirmation dialog box when it completes. If you are using several other programs on the computer, that dialog box can get buried, so please watch for it. You can even drag the main installation screen to the side a bit to see if the dialog box is underneath it.

Below is a screenshot showing what it looks like when it finishes copying your files during the installation. After you press OK to this dialog box, then you will see the Finish button in the main installation window.


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