
MasterCook and Sync Manager are not working properly

I cannot get the program to work properly. It won't allow me to do normal things.

First, try restarting your computer and see if that solves the issue.

Otherwise, reinstall the program exactly as explained here and do not skip any of the steps:

MasterCook 24 Reinstallation

Additionally, a recent Windows Update will turn Ransomware Protection on for your computer by default.

If Windows Ransomware Protection is turned on, it can block MasterCook unless you allow MasterCook access to its files on the computer. Below are instructions for enabling access for MasterCook.

Is MasterCook listed in the Blocked history section of the Windows Ransomware Protection screen?

Go to Windows Start menu and search for Ransomware on your computer.​

Next, select Block history and send us a screenshot of what it shows.



If you do not have access to settings in the Ransomware screen, that means your antivirus program is blocking you from it, since it is acting as the gatekeeper on your computer instead.


Otherwise, click on where it says Allow an app through Controlled folder access. Add the two MasterCook 24 folders listed below.

  • C:\Program Files (x86)\MasterCook 24
  • C:\Users\Public\Documents\MasterCook 24



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