
MasterCook 15.00.24 is the Final MasterCook 15 Version

The update to version 15.00.24 includes all previous updates to MasterCook 15.

Instructions for Installing the Update

To prevent losing any of your recipe data please follow the below instructions carefully to install the update.

1. Backup your files before you install the update. See these instructions. It's very important you backup your files on a regular basis.

2. Restart the computer and do not use MasterCook.

3. This update requires .Net Framework 4.7.2. Please confirm you have that before proceeding. Get it here.

4. It also requires your computer to have all of the current updates available for Windows on your computer. Go to Windows Update on your computer and download and install all updates listed. Restart your computer if Windows instructs after applying its updates.

5. Make sure all programs are closed and download and install the update using the Download Update 6 link below. (If you are using Windows 7, it tries to install an older version of .NET Framework. Please ignore and press its CLOSE button when it appears. Do not press Cancel because that cancels MasterCook's installation instead. The newer versions of Windows don't have this issue.)

6. After installing you may need to reset MasterCook's files on the computer. See Step B in this article.

If you have any questions, please contact MasterCook Support.

Download Update 6

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