Group Cookbooks are special online cookbooks that allow subscribers to collaborate with their recipes. You can create a group cookbook from the MasterCook mobile apps or the Windows program. Creating a group cookbook is easiest from the mobile apps.
You can make your group cookbook read-only for others, or you can allow others to add recipes to the same online group cookbook. Creating a read-only cookbook is great when you wish to allow others access your recipes, but you don't want them to edit any of them.
The group cookbook owner can edit any recipe in the group cookbook. When others add recipes to that group cookbook, they can only edit their own recipes though.
In the mobile app, when you create a cookbook, you can select for it to be a normal cookbook or a group cookbook. You cannot change the type of cookbook once it is created.
You can share group cookbooks with friends and family if they also have a subscription to
When you select to create a group cookbook in the mobile app, you will see where you can invite others by their email address. Type in their email address and press the + icon. Press the Submit button to save all of the cookbook changes, including inviting others to your group cookbook. You can add others to this group cookbook at a later time as well.
Once you invite someone to a group cookbook, they will receive an email with a link to your group cookbook. They click on that email, and it adds that group cookbook to their account.
Please watch this video demonstration: Creating a Group Cookbook
Launch the Sync Manager app. Click on the Share tab along the left of its screen to manage your group cookbooks.
The Create New Group Cookbook button in the upper right corner of this screen allows you to create your own group cookbook.
In the top half of the Share tab it lists the group cookbooks you are participating in. You'll see the different columns that contain information about the cookbook's name, who owns and created the cookbook, your permission level in that cookbook (owner; contributor; view), the sync status for the cookbook, and when that cookbook was last modified.
The lower half of this window shows you more details about the cookbook you select above. If you select a cookbook that you own or created, you will see two tabs: (1) Activity and (2) Edit. If you are part of another person's group cookbook you will only see the Activity tab.
The Activity tab gives you details about what is happening in that cookbook. It tells you who added and edited recipes in the cookbook and when.
The Edit tab allows you to invite others to join your group cookbook. Type in their email address. Press the Invite button. Then press the Save button. This will send the person an email invitation to your group cookbook. You can also add a checkmark to allow others to add recipes to your cookbook.
Basically you can create two types of group cookbooks: (1) read-only--where you invite others to view recipes in your cookbook and (2) Others Can Contribute--where others can view recipes you've added as well as add their own. The person who contributes the recipe is the only one who can edit that recipe. Others in the group cannot edit each other's recipes. However, the group cookbook owner can edit anything in their group cookbook, even recipes added by others that have been invited to the group cookbook.
When you invite someone to a group cookbook they will receive a link to your group cookbook in email. They need to use that link. If they don't have an account at, they will need to create one first. The group cookbooks work with a free 30-day trial account or a paid subscription account at
Note: Once you create a cookbook (regular vs. group) you cannot change it to another type. You can adjust the setting at any time to make it read-only or not for your group members.
You can copy/paste recipes into your new group cookbook as well. See Copy/Move Recipes into Another Cookbook
Steps to Create a Group Cookbook
1. Go to the Share tab in Sync Manager.
2. In the upper right click on the Create New Group Cookbook button.
3. In the lower left in the Cookbook Name text box, type in a name for your new cookbook. Press the Save button.
At this point your new group cookbook is create in MasterCook on the computer. You can add recipes or copy/paste them in from another cookbook. See these instructions: Copy Recipes into Another Cookbook
4. Next, you need to sync your group cookbook to, so others will see it. See this article: MasterCook 24 Sync Manager.
5. To invite others to your group cookbook return to the Share tab in My MasterCook Manager. In the lower right to the left of the Invite button type in someone's email address. Press the Invite button. Press the Save button. After you press both of these buttons an email invitation to this cookbook will be sent to them.
6. When the invitee receives the email, they will need to click on the link in the email. This will take them to If they don't have an account at they will need to create one. Then it will show this group cookbook in their account at
Additional Information: To delete your group cookbook use the Delete link to the left of your cookbook's name in the Share tab. This deletes the cookbook completely. Since it is your cookbook it will be removed from those you've shared with as well. If someone wishes to leave your group cookbook you can remove them using the Share tab by using the Remove link next to their email address in the Edit tab. If an invitee has MasterCook they can remove themselves from the cookbook by using the Remove Me link in the Share tab.