
MasterCook Mobile Apps Shopping Lists

From the Home screen or the navigation bar along the left you can open the My Shopping Lists screen.

There are two icons in the upper right corner of the screen. The first icon allows you to sort your shopping lists and the second icon allows you to add/create a new shopping list.

There are two icons next to each shopping list listed in the My Shopping Lists screen. The first icon allows you to rename the shopping list. The second icon allows you to delete the shopping list.

If you click on a shopping list, it shows you the contents of that shopping list. It shows you the items in your shopping lists. It has the same icons described above so you can sort your shopping list items and add new ones and edit or delete each item in the shopping list.

You can add checkmarks to your items in your shopping list to mark them off as you go shopping.

If you view a recipe in the app, you can easily send its ingredients to a shopping list. View the recipe. Click on the shopping list icon at the bottom of the recipe screen.

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