Google explains to website developers how they are supposed to write their recipe web page code in this article: Understand how structured data works See this one too: Recipe Formatting
The recipe clipper reads that same Google recipe code. If that code is missing from a recipe web page, then our clipper can't work. The web importer is looking for that recipe code that labels the recipe parts and collects that data. If a web page doesn't have the correct coded recipe data, then the web importer doesn't have any instructions to read to grab the recipe.
Follow these instructions for recipes that are formatted correctly:
Follow these instructions for recipes that are not formatted correctly:
Web pages are fluid and changing every day, so it is quite possible a recipe that didn't work previously, suddenly starts working well.
The web importer is dependent entirely on how well the web page is written in HTML code. (The web importer reads the HTML code of a web page and not what you see on the web page.) Some web pages are better formatted than others, and some websites are better than others. You may very well be able to import one recipe on a website but not another. It depends on when or how that recipe page was originally coded in HTML.
To see what websites are working well for others, view the Trending Recipes web page. Those are recipes that are trending with other MasterCook users. They are successfully being imported into the private accounts of other MasterCook users. As you can see, the web importer works with hundreds of websites.
Sometimes a "print" view of a recipe will import if it loads that print view in a web page. You might give that a try too.
Most websites and food bloggers are using the standard recipe formatting that the web importer reads, but not all websites are on board just yet. It’s to their advantage because it also makes their recipes appear better in Google searches. See this:
You can write to the website that you are trying to use. Give them the URL above. Request they start using the recipe formatting that many others are using today.
In the meantime you can still import those recipes into MasterCook.
- You can use the manual web importer as explained here:
- You can use the Import Assistant in the Windows product.
- You can copy/paste from a web page right into a new recipe in MasterCook as demonstrated below.
- You can also drag/drop text between the web page and a new recipe in MasterCook on the computer.
You can even get it to import all of the ingredients at one time too. For example, select all of the ingredient lines of the recipe and copy them.
Then create a new recipe in MasterCook. Place your cursor into the Amount column of the first ingredient row.
Then select Paste Text Into Ingredient from the Edit menu.
It will paste all of those ingredients into the ingredient rows in MasterCook.
You can also right click on a photo on a web page and copy it and paste it directly into the photo box in the upper right corner of a new recipe in MasterCook.