
Recipes With Menu

How do I change the font size of recipes when working with a menu?

We can only edit the menu and not recipes. You cannot have the recipes print on next page either when printing a menu. What I would recommend is to print your menu separate from your recipes. In the Print window remove the checkmark from the Include Recipes box. Then you can print your recipes separately, editing the way you want them to print.


1. Open your menu in MasterCook from the Meals screen. 
2. Select Print/Publish from the File menu. 
3. Remove checkmarks in the lower left of the Print window for Recipes and Shopping List. 
4. Press the Edit Design button in the Print window. 
5. When the Edit Print Design screen appears click on the Print Preview button at the bottom of the screen.

In the Print Preview it should only show the menu and not recipes or shopping list.

6. Select the Print button in the Print Preview window. 
7. When the Print/Publish Menus window appears remove the checkmarks from the Recipes and Shopping List in the lower left corner.

It should print only the menu and nothing else.

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