
Recipes Without Ingredients

I am about to finally print a family cookbook. Some of the recipes are just directions, and they do not have specific amounts of ingredients. My problem now is that the text is right below the recipe title. I want to space it differently. In the Print Layout pane of the Edit Print Design screen I tried to drag portions of the text further below, but the whole text moves. I cannot seem to be able to pick one part or another of the recipe.

Since some have ingredients, that field is always there. Therefore when there are no ingredients, the field shrinks putting the directions next. Try moving just the direction portion down a little. When there are no ingredients, that will be the field below the title, but with it moved down a little, that should leave a little more space between the title and the directions.

When I have recipes like this, I always go ahead and enter in the ingredient names, leaving the other fields blank. This helps when I am searching multiple cookbooks by ingredient. However, I can see that for printing purposes, you might want to leave them out. You could put a period in a couple of the ingredient lines. Then you could white them out before duplicating the cookbook. The white out should be unobtrusive, even on the original copy from your printer.

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