
Weekly MealPlan - Dinner Only

Can I print a weekly MealPlan (dinner only) on one sheet of paper without the nutrition info? I could post this in the kitchen and everyone wouldn't have to ask Mom, "What's for dinner"!

1). Create your weekly MealPlan by dragging recipes from the MasterList (or copy/paste) onto the MealPlan and placing under the dinner section for each day of the week.

2). Delete the Breakfast and Lunch rows from the MealPlan for each day.

3). Select the Print icon from the navigation bar along the right-hand side of the screen.

4). If you don't want to print the shopping list or recipes, then remove the checkmarks from the boxes in the lower left-hand corner of the Print Window.

5). Press the PRINT button.

Did you want to include breakfast and lunch on the calendar, but just not print them? Here's one way I've done that.

I used the calendar to plan a few days worth of meals. Then I used File > Save days as Meal Plan. I saved it once with the name of "Feb.11-Complete". Then I went back to the calendar and saved again with the name "Feb.11-Dinners." Then I just deleted the Breakfasts and Dinners from the "Dinners" version of the Meal Plan. I still have the "Complete" meal plan to refer to, and the calendar still lists all meals, too. I printed out the "Dinners", choosing not to include the recipes and shopping list, and I have a seven day list of dinners.

My printout from the Meal Plan had the days listed as Day 1 of 7, etc., rather than having the name of the day and the date, but otherwise they look the same. As long as you gave the Meal plans themselves a good enough name, you could still keep them straight.

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